The maps illustrate a number of proposed changes that are to take place in the town of Hunderstone.

7 Band Diagram
Overall, even though the east side of the city will remain almost the same, the western part is going to undergo several significant changes.
Now, there is the main road that connects the ring road surrounding the town center on the east side to a roundabout that has A2 road running vertically through it at the west side. This A2 road is connected to the airfield towards its north side. A railway runs from north to south and passes by a gas station.
In the future, the airfield will be replaced by an industrial estate, which will connect both the A2 road and railway. also, the railway will be expanded and a new road (A4) will be linked to the south side of it. This new road will also connect the two sides of Hunderstone that is the west side(A2 road) and the town center on the east side. Finally, a larger roundabout will be constructed, and it will link the town center to the railway and the A2 road accordingly.