IELTS Letter, You are going to study a short term course at a university in Canada

IELTS Letter Writing / GT Writing Task 1:

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You are going to study a short term course at a university in Canada. Write a letter to the accommodation officer of the university. In your letter

  • Introduce yourself
  • Describe the type of accommodation you want
  • Inform the length of your stay and ask for the cost of accommodation.

Write at least 150 words.

Dear Sir,

I am a computer engineer from Punjab in India and I have been accepted to take a 2-month training course at Guelph University starting next August.

I would be grateful if you could either find me accommodation for the 2 months or either give me a list of address so I can find out by myself. I would like to have a room in a family house because I would like to have the chance to practice my English at the same time. I am looking for a fully furnished room. Also, I prefer to live near university So that I do not have any problems traveling to and fro University.

I need will need the accommodation from 1st August to September last. Please let me know the cost of accommodation with and without meals.

I look forward to hearing for you.

Yours sincerely,

Avneet kaur