Some people think it is better for people to change their career at least once in their life and do different kinds of jobs.

Band 7 Sample Answer, it is better for people to change their career

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Some people think it is better for people to change their career at least once in their life and do different kinds of jobs.

Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Write at least 250 words

In this contemporary era, it is often considered by many that it is best to shift the profession at least once in a lifetime. I completely agree with the notion that a change in career is imperative, as it provides myriad benefits such as it allows an individual to adopt new skills and break the monotony. 

To begin with, a vocational change will provide me with the opportunity to learn plenty of new skills. As a result, it opens up more career paths, instead of simply having one path. Fortunately, this could lead to higher remuneration. The famous Colonel Sander, the founder of ‘KFC’, is a prime example, if he had not quit his last job as a salesman, he would not have become a successful entrepreneur and a multi-billionaire. 

Finally, changing an occupation could relieve people from the excruciating boredom they encounter at their workplace. In other words, performing the same task over and over again would consequently lead to a dull and frustrating life. A change at this instance will revive to set up new goals, expectations, and challenges. For instance, my mother started an online gift shop after her retirement and I find her super active and highly involved than her previous job. This clearly presents that a change in the role can bring a positive attitude to one’s life. 

In conclusion, I strongly feel changing profession has got many enticing pros. undoubtedly, it allows one to broaden the skills that could generate extra income by implementing them with higher employment options. Besides, it breaks the mental agony of conducting similar tasks at the workplace.