Modern technology has made it easier for individuals to download copyright music and books from the internet

8 Band Model Answer, Modern technology

Modern technology has made it easier for individuals to download copyright music and books from the internet for no charge.

To what extent is this a positive or negative development?

As we are living in an epoch of technological advancement, people are developing skills nowadays which enables them to download any copyright music and books free of cost via the help of the internet. I believe that it is not a good sign to deprive the legacy of musicians and writers by pirating their workings.

Firstly, it is generally seen that many people circulate copyright music and books to earn profits by downloading it from the internet without any charge. However, it is perilous for those who are using it on their system because it is very difficult for a layman to ascertain the impact of its usage on their system. Sometimes using pirated stuff on any system can lead to fiasco since hackers get the opportunity to hack the system entirely or it can ruin the working of the device. For example, if anyone inserts a pirated compact disk (CD) in the CD ROM then it drastically impacts the processing of CPU.

Secondly, by doing such illegal activities we are snatching the rights of person who have slogged to gain prestige in the society and to earn their livelihood, which is totally against human rights. After all, it is their right to enjoy the fruits of their hard work. Moreover, writers and musicians will feel demotivated to move a step further in producing new stuff since they will always have fear in their mind of being cheated.

Overall, in my view it is leading to negative development and an appropriate authority should take stringent actions against those who do such illegal activities which will certainly exhort writers and musicians to come up with the latest work in the market.