The diagram below shows a possible future means of home energy production.

The diagram below shows a possible future means of home energy production.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The diagram below shows a possible future means of home energy production.

The picture illustrates the way in which people can produce electricity by themselves. Overall, there are six stages in the process, beginning with the composting of ferments and culminating in generating electricity for home use.

To begin with, a steel tank is three and half-filled with compost such as leaves, food and scraps and water. The first step is the fermentation of compost in order to generate methane gas. In the subsequent stage, methane rises to the top of the tank and is collected in a gas storage system. After that, the gas is being compressed out, by a machine called a compressor.

Once compressed, the methane gas is taken/transferred to a combustion engine, which in turn produces mechanical energy. Following this, mechanical energy is transformed to into electrical one, by a generator. After generating the produced energy, battery stores electrical energy, and finally, electricity is ready for home use.

Band 7 Task

150 words